3307 Friedensburg Road, Oley, PA 19547 1057 County Road, Leesport, PA 19533 1057 County Road, Leesport, PA 19533 Robert A. Heckman, Chairperson, Oley Valley Meetings: Fourth Wednesday, no earlier than 7:30 p.m., alternating between East and West campuses (except July and November). The JOC shall meet and organize annually during the month of December the third Thursday and beginning the meeting at 7:00 p.m.BERKS CAREER & TECHNOLOGY CENTER
610-374-4073, | FAX 610-987-6106
Dr. Kristine Rosenberger, Principal | Ext. 3211
Laura Krause, Administrative Assistant to the Principal | 484-200-7131
Ray Jenkins, Assistant Principal / Supervisor of Career Technical Education (CTE) | Ext. 3212
Kim Hassler, Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Principal | 484-200-7203
Philip F. Harris, Work-Based Education Coordinator | Ext. 3342WEST CAMPUS
610-374-4073 | FAX 610-374-1340
Bradley Entrekin, Principal | Ext. 4211
Kayla Bernet, Administrative Assistant to the Principal | 484-262-3595
Craig Soden, Assistant Principal / Supervisor of Career Technical Education (CTE) | Ext. 4212
Lori Mahon, Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Principal | 484-262-3554
Kim DeHart, Director of Adult & Continuing Education | Ext. 5324
Philip F. Harris, Work-Based Education Coordinator | Ext. 4341ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES
610-374-4073 | FAX 610-378-5191
Caryn Friedlander, Vice-Chairperson, Governor Mifflin
Gary A. Reinert, Treasurer, Fleetwood Area
George H. Mertz, III, Secretary, Schuylkill Valley
Kimberly Alarcon, Antietam
Roger Updegrove, Boyertown Area
John Scheetz, Brandywine Heights Area
William Carl, Jr., Conrad Weiser Area
Christen Thompson, Daniel Boone Area
John Fidler, Exeter Township
Thomas DeAngelo, Hamburg Area
Jason B. Koch, Kutztown Area
William T. Palmer, Jr., Tulpehocken Area
John Burdy, Twin Valley
Guadalupe Kasper, Wilson
Steven Pottieger, Wyomissing Area
James Mancuso, Esq., School Solicitor
John Stott, Esq., School Solicitor
2615 Warren Road Cindy L. Mengle, Chairperson Dr. Joseph Macharola, Muhlenberg School District Fox Rothschild Attorneys at Law Meetings: Second Monday of each month, 6:30 p.m., Reading Muhlenberg Career & Technology CenterREADING MUHLENBERG
Reading, PA 19604
610-921-7300 | FAX 610-921-7367
Nick Philippides, Vice-Chairperson
Richard E. Hoffmaster, Treasurer
Joseph Lupia, Jr., Secretary
Patricia Law, Member
Jonathan Tinoco, Member
Dr. Paige Brookins, Alternate
Julio Martinez, Alternate
Miguel Vasquez, Alternate
Otto W. Voit, AlternateSUPERINTENDENTS
Dr. Jennifer Murray, Reading School DistrictSOLICITOR
Kozloff Stoudt Attorneys at Law